The Beachdrëf was an incredible success for me personally! Although it wasn’t easy to get everyone on board at first, I gradually gained more and more support. The most rewarding part was receiving such positive feedback from young people – it truly made all the effort worthwhile.
Over just two weeks, we welcomed over 1000 visitors, most of whom left feeling genuinely satisfied with everything we had organized. But beyond the numbers, what stood out the most was seeing the positive impact this project had on the community – bringing people together through sports, health, inclusion, volunteering, and so much more.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible support from the municipality and the Youth Commission, particularly from Frank Conrad and Laurence Gengler-Valmorbida. And, of course, a special thanks goes out to the young people – and the young at heart – whose enthusiasm and hard work made it all happen.
I firmly believe that initiatives like this are vital for building a strong sense of community and empowering the next generations.
If elected to the municipal council, my goal would be to continue championing and supporting such projects while staying flexible about the format. If the Beachdrëf remains popular within the community, I would be more than happy to carry it forward. But if new ideas and needs emerge, I’m fully committed to supporting those too – for the youth, for everyone!