Curriculum Vitae | Jean-Claude Bisenius

Oct 18, 2009

Born: 27th August 1979, in Luxembourg. Driver’s License “B” with personal car.

Work Experience

April 2019 – Present: Ministère pour l’Egalité entre femmes et hommes – Attaché “Égalité dans l’éducation”

As Attaché in the team “Égalité dans l’éducation” of the Ministry for equality, I actively contribute to the development and execution of activities and tools aimed at connecting children and youth to the topic of equality between women and men. The activities and tools are used for both off- and online uses and are continuously evaluated in order to ensure the best possible results.

September 2018 – March 2019: Conférence générale de la jeunesse du Luxembourg (CGJL) asbl – Chargé de mission CNEL

September 2009 – September 2018: Centre Information Jeunes (CIJ) Asbl – Deputy director, in charge of Public Relations & Communications

The CIJ is a non-profit organization with more than 25 years experience in the area of Youth Information. My role is to coordinate communications within the team and towards external target groups, and to streamline information technologies in use. Also, as deputy director, I participate in the decision making process and liaise directly with our board and financing ministry. These roles are complemented with the task of developing new tools and integrating new technologies into daily activities.

This includes besides other projects: websites, newsletters, print materials, apps, partnerships with commercial and non-profit organizations, public interventions, active participation in different projects, negotiation with suppliers.

Since I joined the team, I have been able to improve our internet presence continuously at low to no cost. We have also regrouped our 4 regular publications into 1 useful publication for all young people (20.000 copies), and have started producing customized brochures for up to 30 high schools in Luxembourg (approximately 20.000 copies). And finally we have introduced a newspaper for young people with 5 editions per year (5 times 15.000 copies). The total cost of production and distribution is mainly carried by agreements I negotiated with our partners.

May 2008 – September 2009: EF Education First Sàrl – Country Product Manager

This multinational language training company contracted my services in order to develop Luxembourg as a market by installing a new sales-office, copying and optimising processes from other markets’ sales offices, and synthesize them in order to transfer them to new personnel. The 360° view of the organization has not only allowed me to better understand the bigger picture when applying a corporate strategy, but it has also allowed me to follow and develop all service processes in an organization, and allowed me to improve my communication skills as well as my service-oriented approach to customers.

September 2007 – April 2008: Sàrl – Marketing & Communications

In this small marketing team, I have quickly learnt the art of on-line marketing and its differences to classical marketing. Furthermore, the challenges arisen within this assignment have enabled me to put the previously gained theoretical knowledge to good use by developing and implementing sustainable and foremost profitable new processes. I was able to acquire extensive knowledge on technical subjects such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), E-Marketing (e.g. Newsletters) and Online Sales (e.g. Affiliate Marketing).

May 2006 – October 2006: Rosetta Translation Ltd – Marketing Manager

My experiences within this young and dynamic team of a high-quality multinational translation business have allowed me to progress significantly through the ability to work in teams, handle a customer portfolio, and contribute to the company’s progress. The experience and industry-specific knowledge have helped me manage several big projects involving multiple languages in later roles. I have also successfully applied previously gained marketing knowledge and autonomously developed useful tools and processes.

Further experience was gained in the following roles, and details can be provided upon request:

  • January 2006 – April 2006: Service800 – Service Agent
  • December 2002, 2004, 2005: Librairie Clees-Meunier – Sales Assistant
  • October 2002 – December 2002 Utopia SA – Assistant Cinema Manager
  • 2002 Ministry of Education of Luxembourg – Freelance web developer
  • 2001 – 2002 Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg – Web Design Tutor
  • 1999 to 2000 XS-Club SARL – Events Promoter
  • 1998 – 2001 LBM – Culture and Sports coordinator


  • 2014 – 2015: Cartes Blanches on RTL Luxembourg
  • 2014 – 2017: Parent association Boevange/Attert
  • 2016 – 2017: Parent representative at the School Commission Boevange
  • 2016 – today: Youth & Sports Commission Boevange
  • 2014 – today: Comité Alstad
  • 2013 – 2014: Young Drivers asbl
  • 2014 – today: Production of agendas on behalf of teaching bodies from several communes


2006 – 2008, Kingston University, Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (PGD)

This very intense course has allowed me to develop marketing knowledge I gained at London Metropolitan University and apply it to practical settings through the extensive use of case study materials and the possibility to put theory into practice in group-works on specific issues. Because of the strong focus on varied marketing areas such as Marketing Research, Marketing Communications, Marketing Strategy and Planning and Services Marketing, and my varied experience in different industries, I today feel able to integrate any service-oriented organisation. Thesis: “Creating competitive advantage through delivering an un-optimal level of customer service

2004 – 2006, London Metropolitan University, Bachelor of Arts in Marketing (BA)

This bachelor course has not only allowed me to build a strong basis for further marketing studies, it has also allowed me to develop essential skills required to work efficiently in any work-environment. I was able to develop my communication skills through extensive language training, group assignments, and personal presentations. Thesis: “Typology of Customer Service Strategies

2002 – 2004, Open University, Professional Diploma in Management (Prof. Dip.)

This distance-learning course over two years has enabled me to learn the principles of Management and best practices towards managing people, information, processes and change. Over a number of assignments tackling case study and personal experience based management issues, and over a number of exams, this successfully completed course provides me with the basis for an MBA. The very practical approach to management theories allows me to easily respond to any issue occurring at my workplace.

1998 – 2001, Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg, Baccalaureate, Economics Section (D)

Acquired skills

Fluent in French, English, German and Luxembourgish, basic knowledge of Italian, and Spanish, basic understanding of Dutch and Portuguese.

Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), Networking, Office Suites, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, GIMP, INKSCAPE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress (Templates, Multisite, Plugins), SPSS, online marketing tools.


During my studies, I have developed a strong interest for non-profit organizations which I have helped create and/or develop. Also, I have a great interest in the movie industry and enjoy exploring culinary delights of foreign countries. Other hobbies include working out, sailing, tennis and snowboarding.

Foire de l’Etudiant 2017

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Lëtzebuerg huet zwar scho méi laang ee Centre universitaire, mee eng Universitéit, wou ee ganz Diplomer kann ofschléissen, eréischt säit 2003. Kee Wonner also, datt et fir vill Leit schonn ëmmer geheescht huet, datt een an d’Ausland studéiere goe muss ! Natierlech...

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Auto-evaluation is work. More work. No matter what anyone will say. Someone has to prepare it, and then execute it. And unless this evaluation is done for the sake of it, it entails more work. If the evaluation states that all is as good as can be, this knowledge...