
Oct 18, 2009

The author and maintainer of this website is a young and dynamic marketing aficionado that is always seeking new challenges. His quest for great customer service and desire to respond to consumers’ needs has given him the opportunity to work in very different environments and take a stance in each role.

Furthermore, the author of this website has had an interest in politics in regards to family, education and youth since his first steps in the non-profit sector, and has since tried to contribute his skills and knowledge to as many causes as possible.

For more detailed information, please kindly consult his up-to-date CV (in your preferred language)! Also, please do not hesitate to contact him should you have any queries regarding these bits of information, or regarding any project of yours that you believe would suit him.

Should you wish to contact the author of this blog, you may do so here:

Rock de Rack

Rock de Rack

The "Rock de Rack" is an annual youth festival in Luxembourg dedicated to promoting gender equality. Organized by the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men (MEGA), the event engages young people through workshops, discussions, and cultural activities centered on...

Foire de l’Etudiant 2017

Foire de l’Etudiant 2017

Lëtzebuerg huet zwar scho méi laang ee Centre universitaire, mee eng Universitéit, wou ee ganz Diplomer kann ofschléissen, eréischt säit 2003. Kee Wonner also, datt et fir vill Leit schonn ëmmer geheescht huet, datt een an d’Ausland studéiere goe muss ! Natierlech...

Beachdrëf 2017

Beachdrëf 2017

De Beachdrëf war fir mech perséinlech ee ganz groussen Erfolleg! Vun Ufank u, war et net einfach jiddereen z'iwwerzeegen an derzou ze kréien matzemaachen, mee mat der Zäit sinn ech ëmmer méi op Ënnerstëtzung getraff a firun allem Feedback vu Jonken dee mech immens...

Jugendhaus / Jugendtreff Gemeng Helperknapp

Jugendhaus / Jugendtreff Gemeng Helperknapp

Nodeems ech eng länger Zäitchen observéiert hunn, wéi d'Jugend an eiser Gemeng opgestallt ass, sinn ech der Meenung datt et immens luewenswert ass, wéivill Club des Jeunes mir hun mat hiere respektiven Aktivitéiten. Desweideren ass mer och opgefall, dat eng Rei...



Auto-evaluation is work. More work. No matter what anyone will say. Someone has to prepare it, and then execute it. And unless this evaluation is done for the sake of it, it entails more work. If the evaluation states that all is as good as can be, this knowledge...