Rock de Rack

Dec 10, 2024 | Featured

The “Rock de Rack” is an annual youth festival in Luxembourg dedicated to promoting gender equality. Organized by the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men (MEGA), the event engages young people through workshops, discussions, and cultural activities centered on various equality-related themes.

Each year, the festival focuses on a specific topic. For instance, the 2024 edition, held on October 24 and 25 at Kinepolis Kirchberg, explored “STEAM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and their intersection with gender equality. Participants from secondary schools and Cycle 4 of primary education attended three workshops from a selection of twelve, facilitated by partners such as the University of Luxembourg and the Scienteens Lab.

In 2023, the theme was “Inequalities in Sport,” attracting over 450 students and offering 13 diverse workshops—the most extensive selection to date.

A central feature of the festival is the “Rock de Krees,” an interactive roundtable where participants share their experiences and discuss the day’s topics, fostering open dialogue and reflection.

Through these initiatives, Rock de Rack aims to sensitize young people to gender equality issues, encouraging them to challenge stereotypes and contribute to a more inclusive society.

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